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Niklas Wallis

Team Lead SEA / Traineeship Lead

With a background as a Senior Consultant, Niklas brings a wealth of experience working with clients across a wide range of sectors, from B2B and B2C to e-commerce and services, both nationally and internationally.

As a team lead, he places great emphasis on encouraging and challenging his team, providing support and freedom to ensure that everyone comes to work with a smile and leaves with a smile.

Niklas also takes on the role of Trainee and Mentor Lead.

About Niklas

Niklas' favourite tools: Slack and a calendar.

They are a must on his desk: Water and coffee, headphones and a plant.

His internal role at The Boutique Agency is (actually): Plant whisperer, joker.

First thing in the morning: a glass of water and a look out the window.

What few people know about Niklas: He was accidentally locked in the office by his boss on his second day at work.                    
Niklas also has an orphaned squirrel named Clemens at home and would love to dive with a (whale) shark.

His favourite core value is: Passion - because it gives us the energy to tackle things, to go the extra mile, and we look forward to the result all the more.

Niklas' MBTI-16Personalities is: "ENFP - the "Activist". Activists like Niklas tend to be charming, independent, energetic and compassionate. Their visionary nature allows them to read between the lines with curiosity and energy.

His favourite benefit of The Boutique Agency is: Lunchit: almost €7 for lunch every day, preferably with the team.

If Niklas wasn't a team leader, he would be: Carpenter - to create something with creativity and his own hands, that's where the real value lies for him.

Professional career

Niklas most recently worked as a Senior Growth Consultant at an SEA agency in Berlin, where he was also responsible for training students and juniors.

He studied business administration with a focus on marketing/management in Freiberg, Germany. During his studies he was a team leader at ENACTUS and co-founder of Wegweiser Studio.

Niklas has attended several trainings in personal development and soft skills.

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