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Our UX / CRO Services

Through User Experience (UX), you focus on the experience of your users and customers on your website. Specifically through CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), the best can be extracted from the crucial digital conversion touchpoints - let us support you in this!
Why UX Optimisation?


  • Good UX increases brand loyalty. Positive experiences make sure customers return. 
  • "Focus on the user and all else will follow" - Following Google's philosophy, all marketing channels benefit, if focused on a positive user experience. 
  • UX breaks down barriers and lowers bounce rates.
  • Effortless interaction and navigation (usability) has a direct impact on conversion rates and, therefore, revenue.
Our Process For Better User Experience

We identify the optimisation potential of existing websites and landing pages and provide recommendations. After the definition of goals within the team, we support you in testing the hypotheses through user research, data analysis, and A/B testing and in implementing the best solution.

Our recommendations focus on a symbiosis of user experience and search engine optimisation and to develop an integrated strategy. For this approach, we can rely on our interdisciplinary team of SEO and SEA experts.


Accessibility Audit

We evaluate your website based on the Web Content Accessilibity Guidelines (WCAG) to ensure a user experience that goes the extra mile and includes every potential user.

UX/CRO Audit

Within a UX/CRO audit we identify opportunities within your existing website or landing page. The aim is to identify challenges for the user in the page structure, navigation & design and thus improve the experience on your website. Based on the PIE framework, we prioritise the findings and provide clear action points.

Hypotheses & A/B tests

By comparing several versions of your landing pages, the optimisations identified in the audit can be tested in order to identify the best version step by step and increase the conversion rate. 

UX Consulting

We support you in the implementation of UX strategies in your company - for example, on the selection of methods and tools or the set up of usability tests. In doing so, we also incorporate our expertise in SEA & SEO, among other things. 

UX Workshops

In a UX workshop, we convey an understanding of user-centered design, share our techniques and UX design principles and create individual UX strategies and testing concepts together.

Strategy meeting for CRO

An external assessment can help identify potential and improve processes. Increase the UX of your website through UX consulting and thus also the conversion rate and the amount of your sales.  

We will be happy to give you an initial assessment in a non-binding strategy discussion. 

Google Mobile Web Certification

In July 2022, we were awarded the Google Mobile Web Certificate. Five employees are thus officially qualified to advise our clients in the areas of mobile web, i.e. web performance optimisation and web usability optimisation with regard to a better user experience. Two client cases in the area of mobile speed and mobile UX were submitted for certification.

The acquired expertise helps our customers to achieve higher sales through more user-friendliness on mobile devices, increases the satisfaction of mobile users and helps to determine the cornerstones for an optimal loading speed. Google also sees the importance of the mobile web focus and has been following the "mobile first" approach for a long time. 

Frequent questions in UX


What does a UX agency do?

A user experience (UX) agency brings together a multidisciplinary team of experts to combine aspects of psychology, business, language, design and technology to create effective, meaningful and interactive digital customer experiences.
The goal is for the user to find their way around the website and be led to the desired interaction as quickly as possible. This way, you actively work on your sales growth. 


What is the difference between UX and UI?

UX refers to the term "user experience", while UI stands for "user interface". Both are crucial to the usability process. While UX focuses on the interaction between the user and a (digital) product or service, UI focuses on the look, feel and interactivity of the product. 


How do you calculate UX consulting costs? 

Does the functionality of your website have a direct impact on your company's success? UX methods can help to improve processes, increase the efficiency of the website and thus have a direct impact on your turnover. 
We give great importance to transparency. That's why we list all the measures needed to achieve the agreed goals clearly and comprehensively in a quote.

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